Help Lance...'Cause He's From Mississippi
Lance Bass Sings The Blues
...Well, If They Let Him Sing He Would!
Let the beloved bass sing a solo...or two...
Okay gang, here's the deal. Lately I've come across many a "Let Kevin Sing" pleads that have begun to encircle the BSB I decided it wasn't just the runway model being neglected, so is N SYNC's own adorable albino. Lance Bass, who gives the words "Girl were you alone?" should maybe replace it with "Can I sing on my own?" Now in all essence, this isn't exactly of dire need, I'm sure the Justin and JC fans of the world could care less what Lance sings or doesn't. Frankly though, I'd rather hear more sexy bass lines dropping throughout the songs, ones that make a nineteen year old college girl wanna forget her convictions...
It's time to make that happen.
In all reality, I have no idea what this little board is going to do for Scoop, but - heck - why not at least show the rhythmless wonder that we love him? So please, sign up today to join the "LET THE ALBINO SING" webring.
Code for your page can be obtained from me via e-mail at or here. ***Note: you must change all the parentheses ( ) to greater/less than signs < > for the links to work in HTML***:
(center)(a href="")(img src="")(/a)(BR)
Help him 'cause he's from Mississippi! Cure a Lack O' Lance with one click! (a href="")*Albino Awareness*(/a)(/Center)
We wanted to hear more "Girl were you alone?" times, and then figured we'd like an extra "The only gift I wanted was you." for our efforts.